It’s Gameshow Time

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Nothing says fun like a Games Show. Our witty game show host will lead your team through a series of exciting challenges that will get everyone thinking and laughing while keeping the spirit of competition high.

Our gameshow can be run as a light intermission to your busy personal development program, or we can offer a tailored experience and include content to suit your needs. Your team will be thinking and laughing while our games test their skills, reactions, and subject knowledge, all designed to build stronger teams.


  • Create a lively and inclusive activity suitable for everyone.
  • Encourage friendly competition in a relaxed and fun context that can be run in any space.
  • Build functional team dynamics.
  • Address and quiz desired business or training content.


Split-second timing, clear communication, and quick decision making.

More team experiences


Get in touch

Wanting some inspiration, have any questions or would like to book an activity? Get in touch and our expert team will answer all your questions.