Learning to Fail

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This unconventional and practical workshop offers a unique opportunity to work together with your team in a way they would not normally do. Discover the resilient mindset at its core!

This program offers the opportunity to re-purpose the agile, big-picture thinking of circus within your staff’s roles in your company. In circus, dropping the ball is not failure but instead is a requirement of learning. This same approach when applied to business instils a culture that supports staff and ensures they know that taking the risk to learn new skills and apply them in creative ways will be recognised and rewarded.

This workshop can be adapted to any space or style of delivery according to your needs for an effortlessly curated experience.


  • Create an opportunity to recontextualise success, desensitising within a group environment any aversion to attempting something that risks failure.
  • Deploy the multi-tasking skills our circus program teaches as effortless management of resources.
  • Apply adaptive and instinctive decision-making within a corporate context.


Encourage adaptive learning and a culture of venturing to try despite the possibility of failure.

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Wanting some inspiration, have any questions or would like to book an activity? Get in touch and our expert team will answer all your questions.