Wick’d Candles

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Looking for something different at your next Team Building event or office fun day?
I know from my many conferences, development days and training sessions, it can be a long day, with lots of information! At the half way point you’re feeling a bit tired and needing a change in scenery to make it through.

Why not change it up with a candle making activity in the break? It shifts people’s thinking for just enough time to freshen them up for the afternoon session.. and they get creative and take something home from the day!

We can cater for small and large number of attendees.


  • An opportunity for staff, colleagues, clients to express their inner creativity. This helps to bring out positive thinking, different thinking styles and processes, and re-ignite the brain.
  • Each attendee will create something different to the next and creates a talking point to encourage open communication, team building, and comradery.
  • Put a spring back in the step of conference attendees with a break out session. Encourages a reset/refresh for the remainder of the day.


Encourages creativity in a team environment, with something to take home or back to the office that will encourage positive mindset and happiness in the work place.

More team experiences


Get in touch

Wanting some inspiration, have any questions or would like to book an activity? Get in touch and our expert team will answer all your questions.